A step by step guide to finally be happy! :)

Happy by Derren Brown — BS

Hugo Lirette
3 min readJan 10, 2023
Photo by Ian Stauffer on Unsplash

In “Happy,” Derren Brown breaks down the science behind happiness and how we can all get in on the good vibes. Here are the main takeaways from the book:

1 — Happiness isn’t just something some people are born with — it’s something we can all work towards.

A lot of people think that happiness is something you either have or you don’t, based on your genetics or your circumstances. But Brown argues that happiness is something we can all strive for, no matter where we’re starting from.

2 — Our thoughts and beliefs have a huge impact on our emotional well-being. We can train our brains to think more positively by recognizing and changing negative thought patterns.

Our brains are constantly generating thoughts, and those thoughts can either be positive or negative. If we focus on the negative ones, it can lead to negative emotions and a downward spiral of unhappiness. But if we focus on the positive ones, it can lead to positive emotions and an upward spiral of happiness. To train our brains to think more positively, Brown suggests recognizing and changing negative thought patterns. For example, if we catch ourselves thinking “I’ll never be good enough,” we can challenge that thought by questioning its validity and replacing it with something more positive, like “I am capable and worthy.”

3 — Strong social connections and relationships are key to happiness. We can build deeper, more meaningful connections with others by showing gratitude, kindness, and forgiveness.

Human beings are social creatures, and we crave connection with others. When we have strong, supportive relationships, it can make a huge difference in our happiness. To build deeper, more meaningful connections with others, Brown suggests practicing gratitude, kindness, and forgiveness. By showing gratitude for the people in our lives and expressing appreciation for what they do for us, we can strengthen our relationships. By being kind and compassionate towards others, we can create a sense of connection and belonging. And by practicing forgiveness, we can let go of negative emotions and move forward in a positive direction.

4 — Setting goals, practicing mindfulness, and doing things that bring us joy and meaning can all contribute to happiness.

In addition to cultivating positive thoughts and relationships, Brown also recommends setting goals, practicing mindfulness, and doing things that bring us joy and meaning. By setting goals and working towards them, we can feel a sense of purpose and accomplishment. Mindfulness — the practice of being present in the moment — can help us stay focused and not get caught up in negative thoughts or worrying about the future. And by doing things that bring us joy and meaning, like hobbies or volunteering, we can find fulfillment and happiness.

5 — Seeking happiness in external sources, like material possessions or social status, can be dangerous and ultimately unsatisfying. True happiness comes from within.

One of the dangers of seeking happiness is looking to external sources, like material possessions or social status, to provide it. Brown points out that these things can be fleeting and ultimately unsatisfying. Instead, he suggests finding happiness from within by cultivating positive thoughts, relationships, and activities that bring joy and meaning.

6 — It’s important to remember that happiness isn’t the absence of negative emotions — it’s the presence of positive emotions and overall well-being.

Finally, it’s important to remember that happiness isn’t the absence of negative emotions — it’s the presence of positive emotions and overall well-being. We all have bad days and go through tough times, and that’s okay. But by focusing on the positive and cultivating happiness in our lives, we can create a sense of overall well-being and contentment.




Hugo Lirette

Engineering student that is maybe way too interested in a lot of stuff! See you at the top!