Let’s crush online classes!
In this article, I am going to give you some advice to help you obliterate your online classes.
The fall semester of 2020 is about to start. The pandemic of COVID-19 is still ongoing and we don’t really know for how long it is going to last…
What does that mean for schools?
Well, most universities have adopted online classes.
Online classes are not going to be easy for everyone, especially those who have a lot of difficulties organizing.
In this article, I am going to give some advice to help you crush your online classes.
4 — Do your routine as if you are going to school in person
“If you win the morning, you win the day” — Tim Ferriss
The first thing that I’d recommend is that you do your usual routine.
That means you wake up, you take a shower (cold shower if you are cool like me!) and you actually put on some decent clothes as if you were going to school in person.
You make sure you eat a good and healthy breakfast, you make sure you smell good and you are all Gucci.
What you don’t want to do is stay in your underwear or PJ’S.
By achieving your normal routine each day, you are going to feel a hundred times more energized and productive.
3 — Actually attend your classes.
“Absences are going to pile up” — Hugo Lirette
A trap that awaits in the distance is not going to the online classes and just studying the material.
In my opinion, it is not optimal.
Going to your classes is going to give you a certain structure to your learning.
You are going to feel like the course is progressing. You are going to be aware of the direction of the class. You are going to be aware of the sudden change of plans.
I know that it is hard to stick with classes when there are so many distractions around the house. In fact, you could be playing a video game, watching a youtube video, publishing some neat photos on Instagram, etc.
There are so many more interesting activities to do.
Even so, you should focus on the classes first and procrastinate afterward.
2 — Dedicate a workspace
“A disorganized workspace means disorganized work habits. A sloppy work environment equals sloppy results” — Larry Winget
Make sure you have a dedicated work station for your school.
You want to make sure the separation between school and distractions is very clear.
You want to put away the distractions. If you have a console, make sure it is not in the same room.
If you adore playing the guitar, make it disappear.
Make sure your family understands that you are not available whilst you are in class.
Make sure they understand that you cannot do laundry.
Make sure they understand that you are not available.
Make use of the 80/20 principle to clear the workspace as much as possible.
1 — Have a way to deal with isolation
“Minds are formed by our social interactions in a community and a culture” — Jay Lemke
I feel like the most difficult part about online classes is going to be the lack of social interactions.
Humans are social beings and they need to interact in order to survive.
Make sure you organize activities with your friends. Organize study sessions. Call just for fun. Eat together.
You want to make sure that you interact with your friends as much as possible.
School is really hard if you play it solo…
Make sure you crush exams as a group!
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